This activity promotes development and learning by encouraging children to understand and use a growing vocabulary.
Materials Needed:
- “Over in the Meadow” (Click Here)
- Toy animal figurines
- A tissue box or similar
Participants: This activity is intended for adult/child interaction
- Learn the song, “Over in the Meadow” together (Click Here). Show your child one animal figurine and verbally identify its name. Place the figurine in the box without your child seeing.
- Put the box in front of your child. Say, “Where is the (animal’s name)?” Encourage your child to find the animal. Say, “It was in the box!”
- Place an animal behind the box, on top of the box, etc. Repeat the prompt, “Where is the (animal’s name). Say, “Oh, now it’s on (or over, behind, etc.) the box.”
Learn More: Older children will enjoy hiding and finding animals hidden in more difficult places and around the house.